Startup marketing consultant

Nigel Temple

Are you looking for a startup marketing consultant for your new business? Would you like to talk to an experienced marketing consultant who understands how to launch a new enterprise successfully and attract customers?

Nigel Temple provides startup marketing advice and he has worked with over 3,000 enterprises over a 30 year period.

Email: | Call: 01628 773128

He can help you to plan for success:

* Greater awareness
* More website traffic
* More sales enquiries
* More sales

You may be looking for a startup marketing consultant to help you to plan your new business.

Or you may have already launched and feel that you could use some help.

Nigel can help with marketing strategy, digital marketing performance, brand awareness and reducing the cost of customer acquisition.

“They were absolutely delighted with the incisive suggestions that you made and for the perspectives that you brought to them.” ~ feedback from a management consultant, after he introduced Nigel to one of his SME clients

Call:  01628 773128

From outside of the UK call: +44 1628 773128


Why use a startup marketing consultant?

*  Because you feel that you need to know more about marketing
*  Because you would like to get the strategy right from the start
*  Because you are not sure which marketing agencies to use
*  Because you would like some impartial, independent advice
*  Because you are not sure how to allocate your budget
*  Because your marketing is not working; why is this the case?

What does a startup marketing consultant do?

*  Provides impartial feedback and advice on your marketing strategy
*  Shows you how to improve brand awareness and customer acquisition
*  Helps you to save money on your marketing budget
*  Reviews your current marketing strategy and plans
*  Provides impartial feedback on your website
*  Helps to improve the performance of your marketing mix
*  Helps you to step back and see the big picture

Nigel’s Startup marketing consultant services include Digital marketing strategy; Website consultancy; Web content writing; SEO marketing consultancy; Social media consultancy and training; Email marketing training; and Online advertising consultancy.

Startup marketing strategy

*  Marketing plan including objectives, target markets, promotional mix, budget and metrics. A strategic marketing plan includes an integrated approach to brand awareness, customer acquisition and retention. It sees things from the customer’s perspective, as marketing always has done. The perspective, however, has changed with the new ways in which customers research products and services and make buying decisions. It takes into account online brand reputation and many other factors.
*  Marketing strategy review and feedback: what are you currently doing, online? What is working? What isn’t working? How can it be improved?
*  How to make your enterprise stand out from the crowd
*  The cost of customer acquisition and how to reduce this
*  How to get customers to come to you via the internet
*  Your organisation’s marketing mindset
*  How all members of staff can help with your marketing
*  Cloud-based marketing apps and services – how to transform your marketing
*  The most important things to measure in marketing

Marketing plan

*  Work with Nigel on your marketing plan
*  Receive clear guidance and step by step advice
*  Benefit from a personal action plan

Website consultancy

*  Discover how to create the best website for your business
*  Nigel can guide you through the steps, regardless of whether you are building your own website yourself or getting an agency to build it for you
*  If it is the latter – Nigel can show you how to get the best out of a website development company including general advice, a detailed website brief and liaison with your chosen website developer

Web content writing training and consultancy

*  Feedback, advice and training on all aspects of website content including webcopy,  structure, style and layout
*  Writing for Google – how to get and keep Google’s attention
*  How to increase website copy engagement and conversion
*  How to get the writing done in the limited time available

SEO marketing consultancy

SEO is important because it brings customers to you who are in the market to buy. This has two benefits: it is easier to sell to people who come to you and, secondly,  the cost of customer acquisition is lower.
*  SEO strategy and plan – consultancy, training and guidance
*  Why is Search Engine Optimisation so important?
*  SEO review and detailed feedback
*  Increasing website traffic via SEO
*  Google Analytics and stats – how to see patterns in the data

Social media consultancy and training

*  Social media objectives, resources and opportunities
*  How to use social media to build brand awareness
*  Which social media channels should you use and why?
*  How to use social media for sales and e-commerce
*  How to create an integrated social media strategy

Email marketing consultancy and training

*  How to get the best out of email marketing
MailChimp consultancy and training
*  How to increase email marketing engagement

Digital marketing

*  Are you preparing your digital marketing strategy for what lies ahead? To what extent is digitisation of society affecting your organisation? Email, smartphones and websites are ubiquitous. A digital strategy, central database (CRM) and integrated e-communications system are some of the basics.
*  How will AI affect your startup’s digital marketing?

“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.” ~ William Gibson, author

Digital marketing (AKA online marketing) is a big subject and it is continually changing, isn’t it? As a digital marketing consultant and strategist, Nigel works with startups to help them to step back and see the big picture. He shares his research and insights with his clients.

Nigel Temple startup marketing consultant

Nigel Temple is a marketing consultant who has worked with brand owners, corporates, service companies, manufacturers, agencies, small businesses, professionals and start-ups – helping them to improve their digital marketing results.

Clients include the British Swimming Pool Federation, Broadcom, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), Credit Protection Association, Imperial War Museum, General Motors, Grosvenor Estates, Kofax Inc, Hodge Bank, Horticultural Trades Association (HTA), Kent County Council, Leon restaurants, Legal & General, Merton Council, Microsoft, Mizuno, Nissan, Tektronix, The NHS, The Serpentine Galleries, Rude Health, Unilever, several UK Universities as well as numerous small businesses.

Nigel has worked in over 100 sectors and there is a list beneath the contact form.

Nigel is available for one-off digital marketing consulting sessions or for longer projects.

Some clients like to have a monthly meeting, telephone conversation or Skype call in order to look back at what has been achieved during the prior month and then to look ahead to see what needs to be done next.

To find out more about Nigel’s digital marketing consultancy services, or to schedule a call with Nigel please contact Joanna by email: or call her on:  01628 773128

From outside of the UK call: +44 (0)1628 773128

Or use the contact form:

Digital marketing consultant - enquiry

Nigel has worked in over 100 sectors including:
Accommodation services
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Auction houses
Audio Visual
Automotive aftermarket
Barristers’ Chambers
Beauty salon
Business development
Business services
Car dealerships
Car manufacturing
Celebrity endorsement
Data capture
Data communications
Debt collection
Document management
Domicilliary care
Electrical contractors
Equine care
Enterprise mobility
Event management
Event marketing
Executive coaches
Financial services
Food manufacturing
Furniture manufacturers
Graphic design
Grounds maintenance
GPS systems
Home improvement
House builders
Housing Trusts
HR / Human Resources
Industrial services
Insolvency services
Intellectual Property
Kitchen design and installation
Legal profession / law firms
Local government
Low carbon heating
Magazine, consumer
Magicians (yes, really)
Management consultancy
Market research
Marketing services
Marketing training
Medical companies
Motor dealers
Motor manufacturers
Personal development
PR consultancies / PR agencies
Public Relations
Printing / Printers
Professional associations
Property maintenance
Public speakers
Skin care products
Sheet metal fabricators
Speaker agency
Translation services
Training providers
Trade associations
Tree surgeons
Video production
Virtual Assistants

Sometimes people use different terms to refer to digital marketing consultants i.e. internet marketing consultant, online marketing consultant, web marketing consultant or digital marketing advisor, coach, mentor, guide, trainer, freelance, or freelancer – however in broad terms we are talking about the same thing.

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