It is all too easy to spend your time fighting the day to day battle, isn’t it? If you are running a business or a marketing department, finding the time to think can be a challenge. From time to time, it is a good idea to take a step back and think about your marketing strategy.
Do you have a written marketing plan? This should be separate from your business plan. Key topics include your marketing objectives, customer segments, key messages and points of differentiation. Going through the process of writing a marketing plan makes you think about the time, money and effort that you are spending on marketing and how you could improve results in this area.
Strategic marketing thinking is not urgent. Which is why it can slip to the bottom of your todo list. Gradually, the business environment changes around you; new competitors emerge; prices change; and new technology is launched. What is your response to these changes? A marketing plan can help you to think it all through.
My services include a Marketing plan training course during which I provide feedback on marketing strategy, digital marketing and the big picture.