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How to increase email click through rates

Best practice within email marketing avoids the wording ‘click here’ as click-through text within email marketing campaigns.

Many subscribers won’t click if you do this, as it is unclear where the link goes.

It also leaves out important information that disabled users require and suggests clicking a mouse, whilst many subscribers view emails using a touchscreen on their smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop.

Ensure that your link text is descriptive. It is better to have compelling and long click-through text, rather than uninformative, boring and brief text.

Point the click-through URL to the most relevant information currently available. Tell the reader that this is what you are doing.

For example, if you are referencing a product or service, send the link directly to the most up-to-date web page or resource. Write something like:

Click here to see the latest version of product XYZ

Include multiple links to the same content within a single campaign.

This is relevant for MailChimp campaigns with a single call to action (other email marketing platforms are available).

Place CTA (Call To Action) buttons within several campaign content areas.

For example, towards the top and the bottom of the campaign.

Try wording the text links differently.

Treat the click-through text as you would a headline.

Experiment with questions, use trigger words and make it so interesting that the reader feels that they must take a look at the end of the rainbow.

Then look at the MailChimp campaign report to see which version of the click-through text were the most effective.

Don’t worry about having multiple links to the same content: this will help to increase your click-through rate.

Nigel Temple provides MailChimp email marketing training – click here.

Nigel Temple

Author Nigel Temple

Nigel Temple is a marketing consultant, speaker, trainer and writer. Topics include: AI / ChatGPT, Marketing strategy, Digital marketing, SEO, Copywriting, Mailchimp. Nigel is available to hire for a consultancy meeting, training workshop, speaking event or marketing project. Email: Or call Nigel on: 01628 773128

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