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Leonardo da Vinci and the case for curiosity

By December 13th, 2019No Comments

leonardo-da-vinci-vitruvian-manDo you like asking questions? In a meeting, are you known as someone who asks lots of questions? Or are you content to sit and listen?

I am often surprised by the questions that people ask me. Sometimes, I am concerned that they don’t ask enough of them.

Leonardo da Vinci lived by seven principles:

Curiosity: continually ask questions and have a thirst for knowledge.

Demonstration: show me how it works; test your knowledge.

Sensation: be aware of your senses.

Smoke: embrace uncertainty.

Art and science: whole brain thinking.

The body: mens sana in corpore sano  (a sound mind in a sound body).

Connection: everything is connected to everything else.

In the 21st century, it seems to me that da Vinci’s principles have never been more relevant.

“I awoke, only to find out that the rest of the world was still asleep.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Image courtesy of Wikipedia / Gallerie dell’Accademia Venice. Photograph by Luc Viatour /


Nigel Temple

Author Nigel Temple

Nigel Temple is a marketing consultant, speaker, trainer and writer. Topics include: AI / ChatGPT, Marketing strategy, Digital marketing, SEO, Copywriting, Mailchimp. Nigel is available to hire for a consultancy meeting, training workshop, speaking event or marketing project. Email:

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